ABSTRACT : In recent years,
technology and technologic devices have become part of our daily lives. People,
reaches to the information in easy, quickly, cheap way by using technology and technologic
devices also dependent people who want to quick access to information and want
to be in continuous contact with each other. Even people have more than one
smart phone, tablet, laptop, smart TV at their home... Especially widespread
use of the Internet, people changed their traditional communication style and
they began to communicate each other via social network. In this study,
development history of technological devices, advantages and disadvanteges of
tablets, smart TVs, smart meters, smart phones, social networks, e-commerce
sites and computer games are surveyed. Impact of technology on human life and
some risks are identified and evaluated as cyber espionage, identity theft,
violation of privacy.
Keywords: social network, smart
meters, smart meters, e-commerce sites, computer games, cyber espionage,
identity theft, violation of privacy.
ÖZET: Son yıllarda, teknolojinin
gelişmesiyle birlikte teknoloji ve teknolojik aygıtlar günlük yaşamımızın bir
parçası haline geldi. İnsanlar, teknolojileri ve teknolojik aygıtları
kullanarak bilgiye kolay, ucuz, hızlı bir şekilde ulaşır. Ayrıca insanların
bilgiye hızlı ulaşma isteği ve birbirleriyle sürekli iletişimde olma isteği
bağımlılık haline gelmiştir. Hatta
insanların evlerinde, birden fazla akıllı telefon, tablet, dizüstü bilgisayar,
akıllı televizyon vardır... Özellikle internetin yayılması sebebiyle bireyler,
geleneksel iletişim biçimlerini değiştirdiler ve sosyal ağlar üzerinden
iletişim kurmaya başladılar. Bu
çalışmada, teknolojik aygıtların gelişim tarihçesi, tabletler, akıllı
televizyonlar, akıllı sayaçlar, akıllı telefonlar, sosyal ağlar, E-ticaret
siteleri ve bilgisayar oyunlarının avantajları ve dezavantajları incelendi.
Teknolojinin insan hayatına etkisi ve siber casusluk, kimlik hırsızlığı,
gizliligin ihlali gibi bazı riskler değerlendirildi.
Anahtar Kelimeler: sosyal ağlar,
akıllı sayaçlar, E-ticaret siteleri, bilgisayar oyunları, siber casusluk,
kimlik hırsızlığı, gizliligin ihlali
recent years, technology and technologic devices have become important part of human’s
daily lives. Technology and technologic devices financial and morally impact to
human life because each year, tousands new technologic devices produces,
develops and creates dozens new
technology. Even, proliferated dependent people. In thecnology age, people are
using the technology for be in communication each other. While Sharing and
watching movies, photos, broadcasts and sending messages, people use technology
so technology destroyed family relationships and face to face communication.
Also children of 2000 are dependents to computer games and mobile phone games,
they forget to traditional games on the street or green areas, even, green
areas were destroyed with the development of technology, people become
unhealthy chemicals such as hormones due to food products. On the other hand,
technologic devices use on industrial manufacturing, for going to far away and
dangerous place such as Mars, uses by the armed forces to defuse bombs, perform
surveillance, jamming, autonomous vacuum cleaners, uses in education, uses for
non-healthy jobs such as jeans sandblasting, arc welding, spot welding,
materials handling, painting, mechanical
cutting, grinding, deburring, polishing, gluing, adhesive sealing, spraying
materials, inspaction, waterjet cutting, soldering and patient treatment
techniques have changed for the better with the development of technology etc.
summary, technology both friends and enemies. It depend on your purpose of use.
So, the aim of this study is inform people about technology with the advantages
and disadvantages. Also this study contain some example about the development
of technology threats on human life.
2 .
Roman engineer Vitruvius perfects the modern, vertical water
wheel in 150 - 50 BCE. Windmills are invented in the Middle East
in 600 CE. Chinese develop eyeglasses by fixing
lenses to frames that fit onto people's faces in 1000 CE. A Dutch spectacle
maker named Zacharias Janssen makes the first compound microscope in 1590.
William Gilbert publishes his great book De Magnete describing how Earth
behaves like a giant magnet. It's the beginning of the scientific study of
magnetism in 1600. Galileo Galilei builds a practical telescope and makes new
astronomical discoveries in 1609. English farmer Jethro Tull begins the
mechanization of agriculture by inventing the horse-drawn seed drill in 1701.
Gottfried Leibniz pioneers the binary number system now used in virtually all
computers in 1703. Italian Alessandro Volta makes the first battery (known as a
Voltaic pile) in 1800. Joseph-Marie Jacquard invents the automated
cloth-weaving loom. The punched cards it uses to store patterns help to inspire
programmable computers in 1801. Italian Giovanni Caselli develops a mechanical fax machine called the
pantelegraph in 1850s. Nikola Tesla patents the alternating current (AC)
electric induction motor and, in opposition to Thomas Edison, becomes a staunch
advocate of AC power in 1888. German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen discovers X rays
and American Ogden Bolton, Jr. invents the electric bicycle in1895. Guglielmo
Marconi sends radio-wave signals across the Atlantic Ocean from England to
Canada and The first electric vacuum cleaner is developed in 1901. Albert
Einstein explains the photoelectric effect and Samuel J. Bens invents the
chainsaw in 1905. Alva Fisher invents the electric clothes washer in
1907. Stung by Apple's success, IBM releases its own affordable personal
computer (PC) in 1981. Linus Torvalds
creates the first version of Linux, a collaboratively written computer
operating system in 1991. Israeli computer scientists Alon Cohen and Lior
Haramaty invent VoIP for sending telephone calls over the Internet in 1994. Broadcast.com becomes one of the world's first
online radio stations in 1995. Electronics
companies agree to make Wi-Fi a worldwide standard for wireless Internet in
1997. Apple revolutionizes music listening by unveiling its iPod MP3 music player
in 2001. Mark Zuckerberg invents Facebook social media in 2004. Apple
introduces a touchscreen cellphone called the iPhone in 2007. Apple releases
its touchscreen tablet computer, the iPad and 3D TV starts to become more
widely available in 2010. Supercomputers (the world's fastest computers) are
now a mere 30 times less powerful than human brains in 2015. (Woodford, 2015).
3 .
Developments in
information and communication technologies eliminates the concept of time and
space. That developments, has led to transformation of society in the form of
communication. Consequently, people's lifestyles, socialization processes and
interaction with the environment also deeply affects. With new forms of
communication; occurred concepts such as virtual life, virtual behavior,
virtual culture. Virtual communication of social networks passed in front of
face to face communication. Also it caused humans to move away from each other
and from the environment. Inviduals enters the process of alienation and
isolation who through social networks that perform individual operations.
Social networks and technological devices such as tablets, smart phones etc. enriches
the social life but if it passes in front of the social life in the real world,
every things transforms to virtual such as virtual social environment and
virtual communication. The development of technology build a virtual word not
4 .
Technology Increase the Production
automated robots are product of the technology. Industrial automated robots
uses for lifting objects and repating task in many times and faster than
employees. Industrial automated robots are have capacity to improve product
quality. increase the production speeds, because automated robots can work in
constant speed without breaks, sleep, vacations, they have potential to
production more than human workers. We
can produce 180 thousand cars in two-shift system. New Corolla will be produced
every 1.5 minutes in our factory(Ozer, 2012). Toyota's power of manufacturing is
Industrial automated robots.
1: Toyota’s Sakarya factory
Technology Increased Business Opportunities and Create New Jobs
New businesses
have emerged with the development of technology. Spare parts and repair
services became important with the popularization of computers and
technological devices. Android programming there was not before 15 years but
now it is very popular in the word. Many organizations uses many computer
software and programming services. Some new jobs are social media specialist,
cyber security, e-commerce specialist, business analysis, database
administrator, computer systems analyst, software developer, web developer, IT
manager, information security analyst, computer support specialist, computer
systems administrator, CNC operator etc.
Technology Allows People to Live More Comfortably
developments facilitate very difficult to do things. A long time to finish many
job done in a short time and everyday tasks can be automated such as washing
the dishes, washing the clothes, cleaning the floor, cleaning the windows, cleaning the swimming pool, mow lawn, remote and
voice controlling to the technological devices etc. Dozens people complate a
work without machine in long time but one person can complate same work with
machine in sorter time than dozens people. So, people redirect to different
tasks for increase production. Technology uses to defuse bombs, perform surveillance,
jamming by the armed forces.
Figure 2: Traditional agriculture and modern
Also it uses for
non-healthy jobs such as jeans sandblasting, arc welding, spot welding,
materials handling, painting, mechanical
cutting, grinding, deburring, polishing, gluing, adhesive sealing, spraying
materials, inspaction, waterjet cutting, soldering.
Technology Reduces the Amount of Labor
People use
technology that reduces the amount of labor required. So, this both good and
bad for the people because it is decrease the job vanancy but improve the
quality of life of workers. People do not do tiring work, machines do them. Also,
it is absolutely good for the business because reducing amount of labor,
reduces company costs for per product. Labor costs are often the single largest
line item for businesses. So, a successful human capital management (HCM)
strategy must balance adequate resourcing with cost controls. New technologies
are enabling this balance by improving scheduling so that businesses may be
more productive than ever before. Here are some essential technologies
businesses should consider in order to help reduce labor costs and improve the
bottom line (Anonymous, 2015)
Allows People to Discover Places
devices uses for going to far away and dangerous place such as Mars and uses
for reach to unreachable small places that the people can not not to go in such
as the cells of living things, viscera etc. So, patient treatment techniques
are applys more successful than old patient treatment techniques.
Technology Generates Environmental Problems
Many, but not all
of the technological development reveals serious danger for the environment.
year, the exhaust gases from the vehicle causes a thinning of the ozone layer so
it puts at risk the life of the world. Toxic gases coming out of the factory flue
pollutes our atmosphere. Waste waters, mixing lakes and seas that risks life of
animals. Also, Agricultural pesticides. Kills many animal by poisoning and similar
Technology Generates Unemployment Problems
developments, leads to unemployment in populous country if technology cover the
gap of labor. Many people are had to look for new business areas to ensure
their livelihood because of machines made many jobs which peoples made many jobs
before machines.
Inadequacy of Resources
Rapid production
provided by technological developments means that parallel to faster
consumption. All resources rapidly decreases and becomes inadequate Because of
mass production and consumption frenzy. Cutting trees make available paper in
the wooded area is a example to inadequacy of resources. Also electricity is
very important resource in human life because of technological developments,
people have more than one electronic device so those are increases the
electricity consumption.
Technology Generates Social Problems
development is the cause of social problems in many times. in the technology
age, people are using the technology for be in communication each other so with
new forms of communication; occurred concepts such as virtual life, virtual
behavior, virtual culture. virtual communication of social networks passed in
front of face to face communication. While Sharing and watching movies, photos,
broadcasts and sending messages, people use technology so technology destroyed
family relationships and face to face communication. Also children of 2000 are
dependents to computer games and mobile phone games.
Cyber Bullying
bullying possible to do individual and organized by several people such as Distributed
Denial of Service(DDOS) attack, seizing users
passwords, hacking websites, sending spam e-mail, send e-mail that contain
infectious and psychological pressure. Cyber bullying increases with the
technological development. It leads many
people to suicide or psychologically negative influence. Attempted lynching
campaigns are carried out on the social network. People exposes in difficult
situation such as spreading incorrect informations, travestying, discrediting
and gossiping etc.
Identity Theft and Violation of Privacy
Individual pravicy
and individual autonomy big threat because of cyber attacks, hackers and IT
thieves. Personal datas are never delete also datas store in data center that
is calling as Cloud Computing. Shared information is recorded in the data
center. All the transactions of the people on internet, social network by using
personal account, people do not know where those transactions are stores on computer.
All shared informations stores a computer anyone do not know where the place of
stored computer. Malicious people can reach your shared informations by
pressing a single button. Bad things that the rule of law is not enough for
this type crimes because there is no standard forms of crime. Also, the victim
does not know who is the attacker.
Encryption is
essential to cope for this kind of crime. Stay away from easy passwords as date
of birth, school number, name and surmane. such passwords can be reach by
hacker. Password is the need to be complicated and it must contain letters,
numbers and special characters. The reaching of such password is more
6 .
people start to using mouse and keyboard for create documents, doing
calculations, making slides and drawing somethings on computer. Passed
Stylus-based control on a screeen with tablets. Pen can use as a keyboard and
as a mouse. Speech recognition is support different style of control. In order
to those developments, multi-touch and speech gesturing controlling developed.
Eye movements controlling developed together with camera. Also in the this age
developed brain computer interaction so people uses power of thought for
control devices. All this developments for a comfortable life and more easily
controlling. But people's private lives are in danger with speech recognation. Some
technological devices connected to manufacturers company by internet for update
software. This devices have some properties such as gesture recognition
software, video calling, downloading and uploading some contents as video,
document. These features great but this device can understand people gesture,
can recognize people voice and face, can record video, can detect location of
people also this system connected to word by using internet and this devices in
private life of people such as living room and bad room.
this year, the Internet was buzzing with headlines declaring that smart
televisions, particularly Samsung’s Smart TV, were designed to spy on
everything people say while at home. “Your Samsung TV is eavesdropping on your
private conversations” declared CNN Money in February. In fact, Samsung Smart
TV comes equipped with a speech recognition technology, which is not so
different from similar technologies used by Apple (Siri), Microsoft (Cortana)
or Google, and sometimes your requests are captured and sent over the Internet,
which might make you a bit nervous. Samsung’s own Smart TV privacy policy
language doesn’t help matters, and perhaps fueled the conspiracy theory about
their televisions. The company told users that spoken words, including personal
and sensitive information could “be among the data captured and transmitted to
a third party through your use of Voice Recognition.” (Sweeny,2015).
Korean technology giant Samsung, warned their customers that when turned on voice control feature of smart TV,
customers must not talk about personal issues. Also Samsung said “Be careful, you can listen by
your TV, your speech is transferred to a third party" (Anonymous, 2015)
vice president and official in charge of the service Eddy Cue: one day the FBI
may want us to open your phone's camera, microphone. Those are things we can't
do now. But if they can force us to do that, I think that's very bad. That
should not happen in this country. (Anonymous, 2016)
7 .
the information age, Development of the
technology has made significant advances. The information age owes its name to
the technological developments. Technologic development has been achieved
today's technology by making a big splash between 2000 and 2016 but governments
and laws have not kept pace with this developments because of virtual crimes
are not easily control and there is no enough control mechanisms. Qualified
personnel should be trained for the effectively control the virtual crimes.
Also users should educate about possible virtual crime and technology
dependency. Should increase quantity of conscious users. Technology
friend with conscious users but technology enemie with unconscious older people
and children.
(2015). How Technology Can Reduce Labor
Costs. http://www.paychex.com/articles/hcm/how-technology-can-reduce-labor-costs
(Access Date: 03 June 2016)
(2015). Samsung: Dikkatli
olun, televizyonunuz sizi dinleyebilir. http://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler/2015/02/150209_televizyon_gizlilik.shtml (Access
Date: 03 June 2016)
(2016). Apple: FBI telefon
kameraları ve mikrofonlarını kontrol edebilir. http://www.bbc.com/turkce/haberler/2016/03/160311_apple_fbi_cue (Access
Date: 03 June 2016)
Ozer, O. (2012). 1.5 dakikada bir
otomobil!. http://www.haberturk.com/ekonomi/otomobil/haber/799433-15-dakikada-bir-otomobil
(Access Date: 02 June 2016)
Sweeny, G.(2015). Are Your Smart Devices
Spying on You? http://www.alternet.org/are-your-smart-devices-spying-you
(Access Date: 03 June 2016)
Woodford, C. (2015). Technology timeline. http://www.explainthatstuff.com/timeline.html
(Access Date: 02 June 2016)